The training is designed to improve your understanding of Horizon Europe’s new integrated framework for exploitation of results and management of intellectual property, including a new approach for continuous monitoring and reporting. Such an approach is necessary in order for the scientific results within the Horizon Europe project to have the expected impact.

Identifying the key results of the project with the potential for exploitation, assessment of technological and commercial readiness, their characterization, strategic planning for commercialization and application modalities are topics that will be covered in four workshops, which will be useful both for writing and for the successful implementation of the project.

The training is intended for researchers, staff employed in project offices, administration and management of institutions and organizations that plan to submit a project proposal for the Horizon Europe program, regardless of the field of research, but also for those institutions that implement Horizon projects. Also, the training is relevant for individuals who will submit projects for future calls of the Science Fund and the Innovation Fund.


Dr Vesna Mandic, prof. at the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac, coordinator of Erasmus Plus and Tempus projects