Training for writing Project Ideas, RS Science Fund


Currently, the second call for ideas from the RS Science Fund is open, the deadline for submitting applications is January 31, 2025. The program supports basic and applied research in all scientific fields and should enable researchers to define their own research programs, form their own teams and cooperate with laboratories, research centers and the economy in Serbia and in the world. The budget is up to 300,000 euros per project, while the duration of the project is up to 3 years. On the first day, we will analyze the call for Ideas in detail, including application forms and evaluation [...]

Training for writing Project Ideas, RS Science Fund2024-11-03T22:47:03+01:00

Training for exploitation of results and IPR on Horizon Europe projects


The training is designed to improve your understanding of Horizon Europe's new integrated framework for exploitation of results and management of intellectual property, including a new approach for continuous monitoring and reporting. Such an approach is necessary in order for the scientific results within the Horizon Europe project to have the expected impact. Identifying the key results of the project with the potential for exploitation, assessment of technological and commercial readiness, their characterization, strategic planning for commercialization and application modalities are topics that will be covered in four workshops, which will be useful both for writing and for the successful [...]

Training for exploitation of results and IPR on Horizon Europe projects2024-11-03T22:47:50+01:00

Horizon Europe: Step by step from an idea to a successful project


The focus of this 3-day training is writing Horizon Europe projects, and in addition to detailed instructions on how to fill out each section of the application form, participants will have the opportunity to practice writing parts of the project themselves in practical workshops. During the training, participants will acquire concrete and applicable knowledge and skills for writing successful project proposals for Horizon Europe with the advice and mentoring of trainers with many years of experience in writing and managing Horizon Europe and others. international projects. The acquired skills will contribute to the development and improvement of the participants' [...]

Horizon Europe: Step by step from an idea to a successful project2025-01-12T21:41:40+01:00

Training for writing Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder projects


The training is intended for individuals and institutions who are preparing for the Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder call, which aims to support the development of new technologies from various fields of research and innovation. These are projects of up to 3 MEUR in which consortia consisting of research institutions and companies participate. During the training, we will analyze in detail the text of the call and EC expectations, point out the specifics of the call, provide instructions for writing all parts of the project proposal and present successful examples of funded projects in which institutions from Serbia participate [...]

Training for writing Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder projects2024-04-21T20:42:52+02:00

On-line training “EU projects from A to Z”


This online training provides a comprehensive overview of project funding opportunities from new EU funds (2021-2027) and guides you through the entire project development process: from idea generation, through preparation, creation and writing of project proposals to budget preparation and finally the preparation of tender documents. The training program is based on the application of the Project Logic Matrix (LFM), a management tool that helps you structure and formulate your project idea into a project concept and link your project proposal to the application form and budget. The method of work is based on a combination of presentations, demonstrations [...]

On-line training “EU projects from A to Z”2023-12-26T19:47:48+01:00

Training for preparation, writing and budgeting for EU projects


This 3-day training is intended for individuals who want to improve their skills in preparing and writing projects for EU funds, primarily for the EU program for research and innovation Horizon 2020. It is based on project development from idea generation, identification and analysis of the H2020 competition, creating the initial concept of the project (goals, results, activities and partners) during the first day of training and writing the entire application form, i.e. key parts of the application that are evaluated: Excellence, Impact and Implementation. On the third day of the training, the focus is on the preparation of [...]

Training for preparation, writing and budgeting for EU projects2023-12-26T19:50:05+01:00

Training for preparing, writing and managing Horizon projects


Training for preparing, writing and managing Horizon Europe projects is the best-rated and most comprehensive EUTA training program that covers all phases of project management, from analyzing Horizon programs and open calls, writing project proposals, preparing budgets and implementing projects. We divided this 4-day training into 2 modules: 1) for preparation and writing of Horizon projects (first 2 days) and 2) for budgeting and management of Horizon Europe projects (last 2 days). We will work on competition documentation, application and evaluation forms for the EU program Horizon Europe, and we will also analyze the announced invitations for the year 2024/25, [...]

Training for preparing, writing and managing Horizon projects2025-01-09T01:23:39+01:00

Training for writing EIC Accelerator Pilot and FTI projects


The Horizon 2020 SME Instrument as a special financing scheme, in which innovative small and medium-sized enterprises can independently apply for grants, is slowly coming to an end, and its successor, the EIC Accelerator Pilot, is on the scene. The EIC Accelerator Pilot is part of the Enhanced European Innovation Council pilot, under the umbrella of which there are several other programs: EIC Pathfinder (FET-Open and FET-Proactive), Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) and Horizon Prizes, which provides funding for innovations that in their areas are making important advances and creating new markets. Therefore, it is an EU program that [...]

Training for writing EIC Accelerator Pilot and FTI projects2023-12-26T19:54:21+01:00

Training for writing H2020 Twinning and ERA Chairs projects


The H2020 Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation program is intended for those countries that achieve weaker results in research and innovation, so organizations from Serbia and the region do not have to compete with institutions from the most developed countries in order to get financial resources from the EU/H2020 funds. Twinning and ERA Chairs are programs intended to strengthen the capacities of research institutions from less developed countries: Twinning through cooperation with at least 2 prestigious research institutions, and ERA Chairs through the engagement of the world's best scientists from relevant fields. Currently, both calls are open, and the application [...]

Training for writing H2020 Twinning and ERA Chairs projects2023-12-26T19:53:00+01:00

Online training for writing MSCA Individual Fellowships (IF) projects


During the training we will analyze the complete process of writing a project for the open Horizon 2020 call Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Individual Fellowships (MSCA IF 2020) with the deadline for submission of applications September 9, 2020. It is a call for experienced researchers who have defended a doctoral dissertation or who have more than 4 years of research experience, for their improvement within the proposed research project. More information about the program can be found in the attached brochure. The pass rate is about 15%, and each year about 1350 projects are approved for implementation, within the European [...]

Online training for writing MSCA Individual Fellowships (IF) projects2023-12-26T19:55:32+01:00