Members of the quality team provide consulting services to higher education institutions and individuals in the application and fulfillment of accreditation standards (of institutions, study programs and initial) in higher education during external evaluation, both in accordance with national and European standards (ESG, Part 2 ).
Our experts from the quality team provide advisory services to higher education institutions on the implementation of national standards for self-evaluation through consultations, and especially as part of seminars held by EUTA in higher education institutions. This would encourage the development of internal quality assurance mechanisms within the higher education institution, with a special emphasis on the application of European quality standards (ESG, Part 1).
Our experts have the competence to provide consulting services to agencies in the region for the fulfillment of European quality standards (ESG, Part 3) when joining or renewing membership in ENQA and EQAR, especially regarding the preparation of the Self-Assessment Report.
The result is the improvement of the quality of given study programs, institutions as well as agencies that ensure receiving positive decisions on accreditation, positive reports on external quality control or obtaining membership of the given agency in ENQA.