This 3-day training is intended for individuals who want to improve their skills in preparing and writing projects for EU funds, primarily for the EU program for research and innovation Horizon 2020. It is based on project development from idea generation, identification and analysis of the H2020 competition, creating the initial concept of the project (goals, results, activities and partners) during the first day of training and writing the entire application form, i.e. key parts of the application that are evaluated: Excellence, Impact and Implementation. On the third day of the training, the focus is on the preparation of the project budget, and the participants will work on writing a realistic budget during numerous workshops, so that they do not have problems during the implementation of the project.
Participants will have the opportunity to see what the successfully written projects that received funding look like, as well as those that are less well rated. Also, they will get acquainted with the evaluation process and the scoring system of the project.