IPA CBC programs support cross-border cooperation in order to promote good neighborly relations and socio-economic development, but also to encourage European integration. At the beginning of March, 3 IPA competitions for cross-border cooperation with Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Northern Macedonia were announced, while the deadlines for applications are at the beginning of June. All 3 calls target similar thematic areas, such as: tourism, employment, social inclusion, health, entrepreneurship, waste management. This training aims to help you prepare for all the above competitions and gain the necessary skills to write IPA CBC projects. You can view the announcement of all calls with more info at this link.
During the training we will analyze the program and currently open IPA calls for cross-border cooperation (IPA CBC) and help you develop a specific project idea (chosen by the participants) and write key elements of the project proposal for this year’s IPA CBC calls, using PCM tools Management) and LFA (Logical Framework Approach) tools.