Organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the European Training Academy (EUTA) will realize 2 online info days about the new Horizon Europe program and the upcoming competitions for 2021/22, with a focus on topics related to the environment on May 7 and 13. from 10-15.30h.
So far, 2 calls have been published for the European Reseach Council (ERC) and the European Innovation Council (EIC). Also, all drafts of Work Programs for 2021/22 are known, and all remaining Horizon Europe competitions for 2021/22 are expected to be announced by mid-May.
During the info day, the EUTA team will focus on topics and competitions that are relevant especially for organizations from Serbia, but also on competitions in the field of environment. We will pay attention to the pillars of “Excellent Science” and focus on Marie Sklodowska-Curie and ERC competitions, then the third pillar of “Innovative Europe” and funding schemes important for researchers from Serbia, as well as the horizontal pillar “Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area“. , and especially to this year’s Twinning competition for research organizations from the Western Balkans (WBC).
These 2 Horizon Europe infodans will be introductory trainings for the Training for preparation, writing and financial management of Horizon Europe projects, which we will organize in June for about 30 participants.